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Nun Still Haunted By Yemen Massacre


The memories of a massacre that happened in Yemen two months ago still haunt the only escapee--a Missionaries of Charity nun. 
Now back home in India, Sister Mary Sally said she is still dealing with the trauma and shock of what she witnessed. 
On March 4, four Missionaries of Charity nuns were shot dead when gunmen attacked a home for the elderly that the nuns operated. 
"It was a miraculous escape as the gunmen didn't see me when they raided our home," the 59-year old nun told UCANews.com
Sister Sally worked as a superior at the home. She said she was inside the facility when the armed men stormed in. 
"They shot at the security guard first and when other workers tried to warn us, they tied them to a tree and killed them," she said.
They then shot the four nuns, she said, explaining that she was saved because she was in another part of the building, hidden from the attackers.

"We all worked together. We all went together after breakfast that day to the destitute home where 64 elderly persons live," Sister Sally recounted.
Twenty people were killed at a convent and home for the elderly. 
Sister Sally said she also witnessed the abduction of Indian Salesian Father Thomas Uzhunnalil that day. 
She explained that he was posted there to care for the pastoral needs of the residents and workers at the home. 
"They tied his hands and eyes with a black cloth. I can't relive those memories," she said.
With news that he is still alive, she hopes and prays for his release.
Meanwhile, after the attack, church officials and the India government arranged for her to move to a safe place. She has spent most of her time at the Missionaries of Charity's regional house in Jordan. 
"I want to spend some time with my family and will go back to my work," Sister Sally said.
Sister Sally said she can "only thank God" for saving her life and said she always prays for her "beloved sisters" who were killed. 
"They were all sweet people who served God with dedication. I miss them very much," she added.

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