
Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Ft. Lauderdale has selected Tullian Tchividjian to succeed the late D. James Kennedy as its pastor. Kennedy, who founded the church in the 1960's, died a year and half ago at the age of 76. Tchividjian pastors a church in that area and is no stranger to Coral Ridge. Here's the story from today's edition of the Sun-Sentinel.


While hundreds of thousands of people gather on the mall for the joyous and festive occasion of the Barack Obama's inauguration, hundreds of people are lining up a couple miles away throwing shoes at a big President Bush blow up doll. The Brody File crew shot this video a few hours ago. This is in the Dupont Circle area. Click play above.


One of the most underreported stories involving the Gaza war has been what Hamas has done to members of their rival Palestinian faction, Fatah, within the Gaza Strip.


Gay and Lesbian Activists aren't having a good couple of weeks. First Rick Warren is chosen to give the Inaugural Invocation prayer and then Gay Bishop's Gene Robinson's prayer at the Inaugural event yesterday was not broadcast on television.


We know Joe Biden has 'foot in mouth disease.' But it's not supposed to spread to family members right? Well, guess what? Jill Biden, his wife, had quite a moment today that is making headlines. Read below from The Associated Press:


The Brody File just spoke with Richard Land, the President of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission. Since the Election, Land has been contacted by the Obama team. It seems like the lines of communication are open. Below is what Dr. Land told me:


Hey Brody File readers. Take a moment to read this article from Newsweek. A portion of it is below but you can read the whole piece here.


 Can I get an Amen? Barack Obama and his family went to Church Sunday. Video is here and more below from The Washington Post:


Thousands of tour buses have replaced the masses of cars that usually flood DC streets. 


Washington is abuzz with excitement as the hours count down to President-elect Barack Obama's inauguration.  Well wishers hoping to witness history traveled in and out of Washington today planning their routes for Tuesday (The thousands of port-a-potties set up near the National Mall are already being put to good use). 
