
I will be speaking and ministering at the upcoming CLASS Christian Writers Conference at the Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico, November 4-8. This is one of the premier conferences each year where some of the leading publishers, editors, writers and speakers are represented.


I last wrote about J Street back in August, after the far left-wing group viciously smeared evangelical Christian supporters of Israel.


Are the hurts and mistakes of days gone by getting you down? Think your future is shot because of your past?



Earlier this week, an explosion took place in southern Lebanon. It appeared to be a weapons cache stored by Hezbollah in violation of a UN resolution passed after the 2006 Second Lebanon War.

The resolution sought to prevent the smuggling of arms in that area by Hezbollah. During that war, Israel destroyed many of the rockets Hezbollah had in its arsenal.


The Wall Street Journal’s Political Diary reports that “Republicans won a pair of special elections on Tuesday in Tennessee and Oklahoma, picking up seats held by Democrats for decades.


House Republicans are starting to make more noise about controversial "Safe Schools" top official Kevin Jennings. 52 of them just fired off the following letter to president Obama. Read below:

Dear Mr. President,

We respectfully request that you remove Kevin Jennings, the Assistant Deputy Secretary for the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools, from your Administration. It is clear that Mr. Jennings lacks the appropriate qualifications and ethical standards to serve in this capacity.


Americans United For Life (AUL Action) is out with a new online ad called, “Don’t Be Fooled: Abortion is in Health Care Reform,” Watch it below


So today The New York Times has an article about how Congresswoman Michele Bachmann's popularity is rising and she may be the next Sarah Palin. Before reading any of the article, take a wild guess what she looks like? Her picture is below:
