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Bible Reading Marathon Held on US Capitol Steps


The entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is being read aloud this week on the steps of the U.S. Capitol.

The 26th annual U.S. Capitol Bible Reading Marathon began Sunday evening and wraps up Thursday.

"It's a way that we can pray for our nation, and so much is going on now around the world, so much unrest, and I just want to show people the love of Christ," one of the readers told Voice of America.

The event's director said foreign visitors sometimes express surprise that Americans are allowed to read the scriptures aloud near the heart of U.S. government.

The annual Bible reading marathon coincides with the National Day of Prayer, and this year CBN News was there to capture the moments when students from a local church school joined in the public declaration of God's Word.

Click play to hear some of the participants read from the Bible and share what it means to them.

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