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Girl on Life Support Making Small Improvements - Family Praising God While Urging More Prayers


Thousands have been praying for a miracle for 10-year-old Chloe Clark, the Christian girl fighting for her life in a Nashville hospital.

On Jan. 8th, Chloe was struck by a wooden beam at the construction site where her father is building a new home.  She and her younger sister had been playing near the house.

She suffered a severe concussion and later slipped into a coma and is now on life support. She has also been diagnosed with spinal meningitis.

A video her parents posted on Facebook about her condition went viral.  It has now been viewed by more than 700,000 people from around the world. 

Chloe is making some progress but her family says to keep praying.

In a new video, her father Jared shared, "She is doing good." She had a really, really good night. They said there were no spots or anything, she's very stable, very calm. In fact, her numbers, they have all come down to even better looking.  She actually tried to open her eyes at one point and when they lay her on her side she tries to cough. That's really good signs at this point." 

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He continued, "They're baby steps and it doesn't seem like much but the smallest, smallest little, smallest things right now are huge for her. 

"Very good news to walk into and just the fact that she had a calm, restful night was a huge blessing. So it's just showing the goodness of God and he's powerful and she's got a long ways to go. We're no where near out of the woods yet," said Jared. 

He said they appreciate all of the love and prayer support.

"We're just thanking and praising God for what's he's done, all the people that she has touched and we say thank you to everybody that's been praying. We love everybody. We love all the prayers, all the messages," he shared.

He says to keep them coming.

"Don't stop," said Jared. "It's been a huge blessing and I can't wait for Chloe to see it all. She's going to love it. It's going to be amazing."

Chloe's Mom Sarah said, "Keep praying for our sweet Chloe girl."

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