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China Dissidents Press Trump to Fight for Human Rights


Exiled Chinese dissidents are urging Donald Trump to fight for human rights in China.

Several former prisoners addressed a congressional commission this week, calling for tougher action against China's human rights abuses

Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., is co-chair of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China.

 "It is increasingly clear that there is direct link between China's domestic human rights problems and the security and prosperity of the United States," he said. 

The communist country is known for persecuting and imprisoning religious minorities, political prisoners and other dissidents.
At this week's hearing, one exiled Chinese citizen said, "Any sign that the United States is ready to relinquish its commitment to raising human rights concerns in favor of achieving policy gains elsewhere will be a victory for China."
The president-elect has not said much about advocating for civil liberties in the communist-ruled nation, but many suspect he will adopt a tougher American policy toward China.

Congressman Smith told Voice of America, "I fully expect President Donald Trump will solemnly and consistently raise human-rights issues, and President Obama has not done so."


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