Russian Invasion: Mission Accomplished


It's not clear at this writing whether Russia is actually halting its invasion of Georgia as it claims. Georgia says the fighting continues. But if Russia stops now, it has accomplished plenty.

It has taught Georgia and the former nations of the Soviet Union a lesson that Russia, and not the United States, is the relevant power in Eurasia, and that Russia can still run the show. The United States will give you money, training, weapons, and even some empty promises, but when a Russian armored column crosses the border, you're on your own.

Russia has calculated correctly that the West won't fight for Georgia, and probably won't fight for ANY post-Soviet republic. Baltic States, we hope you've devised a really good defensive strategy to stop the Russian army. You might need it. Ukraine, sorry. Azerbaijan, how good are you at guerilla warfare?

Because the Americans aren't coming, let alone the utterly toothless EU.

Russia exposed George Bush and U.S intelligence. Bush, the "leader of the free world," looked impotent and incompetent as he hung around the Beijing Olympics. Bush may have the worst White House staff since Jimmy Carter. While an American ally was burning from Russian bombs, Bush was frolicking on a volleyball court and pretending to snap "Misty" on the butt.

Bush once said he looked into Vladimir Putin's eyes and found him to be "trustworthy." John McCain got it right. He says he looked into Putin's eyes and saw three letters, K-G-B.

It's clear now that all the talk in the West about the end of the Cold War must have been quite a joke in the Kremlin. Bush hugged Putin in Beijing. Putin has showed he could not care less about his relationship with Bush or with the West.

Machiavelli said it's better to be feared than loved. The West may slap Russia on the wrist for this brutal calculated attack on our ally, Georgia. But as of today, Russia is again feared in the Eurasia.

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