How to Make Christmas Count for Eternity


There is an important word we should be thinking about during Christmas time, but it often gets overlooked. It is the word opportunities – specifically, opportunities for the gospel.

Christmas is one of two times during the year that people are most God-minded (the other is Easter). As Christmas shouts the birth of Christ, unbelievers begin to consider, “Is He really the one He said He was?” That presents us with the opportunity to talk about the hope there is through the Christ-child.

So, how do we make this Christmas count for eternity? Consider these points as you think in terms of being a witness for the Savior over Christmas.

1. Think right!

That starts by keeping your mind focused on the idea that Christmas is about people, not things. What matters most is not decorating your house but inviting people to His house. (John 14:2-3)

Remember and prioritize non-Christians, because they were the purpose of His coming. (Luke 19:10) As you plan out everything from shopping at the mall, Christmas parties and celebrations, activities, plays, and special services at the church, ask yourself, “How and where can I include unbelievers?”

Keep at the forefront of your mind that Christmas is all about people – the people for whom He came and died. 

2. Pray right!

Even though Christmas is about opportunities, those opportunities are God-given. In Colossians 4:3, Paul the Apostle said,

“Meanwhile praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in chains.” (NKJV)

God can open doors for the gospel. Let us, like Paul, pray fervently, “God, give me opportunities to share the good news.”

He might do that through the comfort you give and the witness you are to a grieving friend who is going through their first Christmas without a loved one. He may provide an open door through an invitation to share your own testimony in the presence of unbelievers of how the baby born in a manger changed your life. You may have an opportunity to give a tract that presents the gospel clearly to an interested friend with the comment, “Here is something that has meant so much to me. It explains in a few words what makes Christmas such a celebration.” You may have opportunity through inviting an unbeliever to your church to see a Christmas drama that is directed towards unbelievers.

The way God provides open doors are many when we ask God for them.

3. Do right!

1 John 3:18 admonishes us, “My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.” (NKJV)

It is through doing right—as you prioritize people and pray for opportunities—that God works. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Give a Christmas gift to a neighbor who took care of your mail and newspaper while you were on vacation last summer. A gift like that may lead to a discussion about the Giver of all good gifts (James 1:17) including the gift of His Beloved Son.
  • Take a plate of Christmas cookies to your car mechanic, hardware store personnel, or hairdresser. A comment like, “Christmas is all about giving and in light of all God has given me, I wanted to give this to you” could go a long way.
  • When you sit down at the Christmas table, what unbeliever could you invite to join you who is dreading that first Christmas meal without a loved one? Why not show Christ’s love through your own love?
  • Have a Christmas neighborhood party and extend a gift to all attendees such as a book that answers the question, “Who is Christ and why did He come?” You can consider the expense an investment in eternity.
  • Go caroling in the neighborhood and take along those “goodies” that make losing weight over the holidays an exercise in futility. Contacts made now may open up conversations later and ultimately lead to conversions.
  • Help your church sponsor a gift-wrapping party exclusively for unbelievers. When asked, “Why are you doing this?” you have opportunity to explain that when God wrapped His gift, He wrapped it free of charge. (Luke 2:11)
  • As you prepare for that “day-after sale” at the mall, take a non-Christian with you. As discussion centers around parties that are over, that may allow a transition into a conversation about the party that will never end in the presence of the King.
  • Just “be there” for a person whose loved one is across the country or behind bars in jail. By meeting their need, you may have a chance to explain how God met your need.

Christmas – OPPORTUNITIES – galore! That first Christmas He came to us. This Christmas is your opportunity to explain how they can come to Him. 

Think right! Pray right! Act right! 

Copyright © R. Larry Moyer of EvanTell, used with permission.