Let’s just cut to the chase regarding the fallout from the Comey hearing: we learned far more about the former FBI Director than we did about any possible wrongdoing by President Trump. What we saw on display was a man bitter about being fired and willing to do anything in order to get back at the president. Liberals and conservatives may disagree about the impact of the hearing and spin their way through a cherry-picked version of the truth they want to see but one thing everyone should be able to agree on is that James Comey was a hostile man on a mission. He clearly had an agenda going in and it hurt his credibility.
President Trump just had the best week of his presidency. Honestly, this “world religion tour” couldn’t have gone any smoother, all things considered. No major glitches. No major protocol flubs. He came across as a president who projected strength and poise on the world stage. White House officials were not available for comment because they were doing cartwheels. It was that good. But, as Paul Harvey says, let’s now turn to, “the rest of the story.” It’s crucial and spiritual.
Franklin Graham, President and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse, has a message for President Donald Trump during his visit to Saudi Arabia: Don’t kiss up.
“Obviously I believe that the capital should be Jerusalem and the embassy should be moved to Jerusalem because if you look at all their government is in Jerusalem," UN Ambassador Nikki Haley says.
In an exclusive interview with The Brody File, U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley made forcefully clear that the Western Wall in Jerusalem belongs to Israel.
In an exclusive interview with The Brody File, U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley says we’ll have to wait and see if there has been an abuse of classified material when it comes to the latest anonymous allegations about President Trump informing Russia of certain information. “The one thing we want to make sure of is that if there was some sort of abuse of classified information that is serious,” Haley tells The Brody File. “But going by what General McMaster has said he doesn’t believe that has happened and we’ll have to wait and see.”