
A mob drags a pastor from his home, beats him brutally, and then kills him. This is just one example of the horrific violence that is sweeping India.

Why has the nation become one of the top ten most dangerous places to be a Christian?

George Thomas explains this and more on today's episode. 


Alice Johnson spent over two decades behind bars for her part in a drug operation. She'd still be in prison for life if it weren't for the unlikely due of Kim Kardashian West and President Donald Trump. Thanks to their partnership, Alice is now free to tell her amazing story. Faithwire's Tré Goins-Phillips joins the Rundown to discuss Johnson's unwavering faith in the face of trial.


Chokeholds, knees on necks, and no-knock warrants. These are police tactics that can potentially end in death. And while it is important for law enforcement to have an advantage when fighting crime, many are asking if these tactics should be eliminated. 

CBN's National Security Correspondent Eric Philips is on today's rundown explaining what law enforcement officials believe is the best course of action.


Hurricane Laura slammed into the Louisiana coastline as a Category 4 hurricane, and while it didn't bring the massive storm surge expected by some experts, it certainly wreaked a lot of havoc. CBN's Chuck Holton weathered the storm in a high rise office building, whose windows were shattered by the storm. Holton describes the harrowing evening as well as the challenges and needs the people of Louisiana have in the wake of Laura on today's episode of the Daily Rundown.



America's racial divide is a topic that cannot be ignored in today's political climate. 

Each week, news headlines circle back to police-involved shootings, protests, and riots and for those covering the stories, it can be a tough task. 

"You wear a journalistic shield if you will, and you try to hold it together,"  said Efrem Graham. "Whether or not this is happening more frequently, we seem to be covering it more frequently and there are more cameras out there because people are recording it. So we are seeing it more."

"But no matter how dark the situation may seem there is always hope," he continued. "And that hope is in Jesus Christ".

Efrem Graham is on today's rundown on how being a Christian journalist is vital in today's society. 


Israeli teenagers helping at an archaeological site have uncovered a rare find. They came upon a collection of gold coins that are more than 1,000 years old. CBN's Middle East Correspondent Julie Stahl is on today's rundown explaining the history behind this ancient discovery and how it confirms biblical events. 

"I personally think that God is allowing all of these things to be uncovered at this time because He really wants people to understand that His Word is true," Julie said. "These aren't fairy tales. There are things that really indicate that the Bible is true."


Late last week, President Trump announced a major development in the fight against Coronavirus, with the FDA approving emergency use of convalescent plasma. CBN Medical Reporter Lorie Johnson joins the Rundown to discuss the implications of this announcement and also provide an update on the overall state of America's fight against this deadly pandemic. 


The Bible tells us children are God's best gift. That's true, however, for many couples, realizing the dream of having a child is a long journey.

CBN News Washington Bureau Chief Dana Ritter has traveled that road which ended in the adoption of her son, "Sometimes it feels like this story is made up but it's actually true and real and we get to live it," she says.

Dana explains what it was like to walk into a hospital room to finally meet her baby, "I felt like I was watching a movie, it didn't feel real that it was happening. I felt like I was watching someone else," she says.

In the midst of her happiness, she explains why she also felt profound grief, "In the midst of feeling so much joy and unbelief that this was really happening to me, looking back at that door that I had just walked into and realizing that she had to walk out of that door without him and the only way that I get to be a mom, his mom, is that she doesn't get to," she recalls through tears.

Today on the CBN News Daily Rundown Dana walks us through her journey to adoption.


Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden is set to cap off a week of high profile speeches at the Democratic Convention, but due to the Coronavirus pandemic Biden has only spoken a handful of times in public. The lack of stumping combined with Biden's frequent proclivity for stumbles and gaffes puts the former Vice President the biggest spotlight to date. 

CBN Political Analyst David Brody previews Biden's speech and also discusses Democrats omitting God from the Pledge of Allegiance multiple times throughout the convention.


While the world remains gripped and dealing with riots, protests, racial divide, economic worry, and a global pandemic, LGBT activists continue to forge ahead with their agenda. What are the latest developments and what can Christians expect from Joe Biden on this issue if he's elected President? CBN Correspondent Heather Sells joins the Rundown to explain this and more.
