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Get These Right, and America Could See a Dramatic Turnaround


With the ringing in of a new year came the first 2016 opinion polls, which show that 65 percent of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction.

Steve Forbes, chairman of Forbes Media and two-time candidate for the GOP presidential nomination, believes today's malaise is a result of years of destructive policies.

In his new book, Reviving America, Forbes and coauthor Elizabeth Ames lay out the following three-point plan to bring America back from the brink:

  • Repeal Obamacare and return to patient-driven health care.
  • Enact a flat tax.
  • Reform the Federal Reserve by returning to a monetary system with the value of the dollar linked to gold.

"Get these things right and the country will make a quick and dramatic turnaround that will rive and indeed exceed the great comeback America achieved under the presidency of Ronald Reagan in the early 1980s," the authors write.

Steve Forbes will share more details of his plan to revive America on The 700 Club, Jan. 13. Check your local listings or check CBNNews.com after 10 a.m.

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