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Edible Passwords? 'Creepy' Future for Cyber Security


A PayPal executive is suggesting an alternative system for keeping passwords for computers and online activities, where devices are injected or embedded into the body.
The Wall Street Journal reports those devices could include brain implants and attachable computers.
Paypal's Jonathan LeBlanc says new technology has taken a huge leap forward to what he calls true integration with the human body. He told the Journal that thin silicon chips can be embedded into the skin for an accurate way to prove your identity.

In a presentation called "Kill All Passwords," LeBlanc said that the future of authentication security is "going to get creepy," InfoWars.com reports.
LeBlanc said PayPal isn't necessarily thinking about adopting these ideas and that it will still be some time before all of this becomes reality.
"I can't speculate as to what PayPal will do in the future, but we're looking at new techniques – we do have fingerprint scanning that is being worked on right now – so we're definitely looking at the identity field," LeBlanc told the Journal.  

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