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2 Simple Ways to Cut Your Cancer Risk


Want to cut your risk for cancer? Experts say if you eat more vegetables and drink less alcohol, that could help you cut back on extra weight and reduce the risk of obesity-related cancers.

Obesity has been linked to about one-third of all cancers.

A New York University study published in the journal Cancer Causes & Control found that cutting back on alcohol limited the risks of certain cancers, like breast, prostrate, and colorectal cancer.

The study also found that eating more fruits and vegtables was linked to a lower risk of colon cancer.

"Our research aims to clarify associations between diet and physical activity in relation to cancer to encourage at-risk individuals to make lifestyle modifications that may reduce their risk of certain cancers," the study's lead author Nour Makarem, a nutrition doctoral student at NYU Steinhardt, said.

Medical and dietary data for 2,983 men and women were analyzed in the Framingham Heart Study.

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