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Huckabee: Iran 'Not Being Held Accountable'


JERUSALEM, Israel -- The P5+1 (U.S., U.K., France, Germany, China and Russia) will resume negotiations Tuesday for a long-term deal with Iran over its nuclear program.

An interim agreement that calls for Iran to curb its nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief went into effect last month.

But former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee told CBN News Iran is getting what they want.

"I'm amazed at the naiveté of the Obama administration when it comes to Iran," Huckabee said. "The Iranians are laughing up their sleeve. They're dancing in the streets because they're getting everything they want."

"They're being able to be once again this country that is not being held accountable, not only for their actions in accelerating toward nuclear weaponization, but they're virtually being rewarded [for] hateful, not just anti-Semitic rhetoric that they tossed not just to Israel but to the United States," he said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also warned Iran has gained a great deal while giving up virtually nothing. The talks will resume in Geneva.


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