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Israel Calls on UN to Condemn Terror Attacks


JERUSALEM, Israel -- Israel is challenging the United Nations to condemn an upsurge in Palestinian terror attacks against Israelis as it has done elsewhere in the world.

Last week, the Palestinian Authority petitioned the International Criminal Court at The Hague to charge Israel with war crimes during last summer's military incursion in the Gaza Strip to stop Hamas rocket fire.

Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. Ron Prosor sent a letter to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon pointing out a dramatic increase in terror attacks in Israel since the beginning of the Islamic month of Ramadan nearly two weeks ago.

Since then there have been at least six terror attacks in Jerusalem and biblical Judea and Samaria, leaving two Israelis dead.

"Terror is terror no matter where it is erupting," Prosor wrote. "Israel citizens deserve the same concern and empathy you demonstrate to the rest of the world."

Prosor said the attacks were a "direct result" of P.A. incitement in its media and schools. He called on the U.N. to urge Palestinians to condemn the terror.

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