This week on Jerusalem Dateline: Netanyahu addresses Congress on Iran, the speech heard around the world. Plus a new documentary on Exodus - did the biblical story really happen? And Israelis celebrate Purim and the deliverance of the Jewish people.
This week on Jerusalem Dateline: President Barack Obama claims Islamic terrorism isn't rooted in Islam but Christian and Jewish leaders say differently. Plus, suing terrorists to stop terror; and the brutal Islamic caliphate rounds up hundreds of Christians.
This week on Jerusalem Dateline: Egypt strikes back after ISIS beheads 21 Coptic Christians. Plus, a "double game" is what Egypt says about Obama's "war on terror." And safe haven: why Christians are joining the IDF to fight for the Jewish State.
This week on Jerusalem Dateline: Jordan strikes back at ISIS but how long will it last? Plus, how ISIS seeks to unite the Muslim world behind its Jihadist agenda. And, a month after the Paris terror attacks will France address radical Islam at home?
This week on Jerusalem Dateline: The brutality of ISIS: did they finally go too far? Plus is the Obama administration working to defeat Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in upcoming elections? And American Christians stand FIRM for the Jewish state.
Just the pictures chilled the soul. A lone Jordanian pilot took his last steps on earth to a cage fit for an animal but made for a man. He walked before a lineup of ISIS fighters. He was alone but there was nowhere to run. He was a doomed man. ISIS lit a trail of fuel outside the cage that burned its way inside to 26-year-old Mouath al-Kasaesbeh. He became an ISIS victim after his F-16 crashed in their territory last December. His clothes soaked with gasoline, he became a human torch for the latest and most diabolical of ISIS's executions.