
The Obama Campaign will not be using the name, “Joshua Generation” after all. In their attempt to reach out to younger faith voters, that WAS going to be the name for the effort. But the Home School Legal Defense Association contacted the Obama campaign explaining that they have the rights to that name. The Obama campaign decided not to fight it.


Has Obama backed away from abortion rights groups on partial birth abortion a little bit? Get my analysis on this, but first read more from the AP report below:


The Brody File has been given a document put together and agreed to by conservative and Evangelical leaders Tuesday night in Denver.


Today I attended the funeral of a local woman who lost her 4.5 year battle w/ a brain tumor. My 14 yr old son Clark was a classmate of her elder son so we knew each other only through our infrequent school-mom-sports-fan connection since the boys were in Kindergarten but everytime that I had the pleasure of talking with her I found her to be one of the most genuine and lovely women I have ever met. Obvious by the packed church, I was not alone in my admiration for this woman.


No, Americans are not responsible for the brilliant rescue of 15 hostages from the FARC rebels in Colombia Wednesday.


No, I'm not heading to the sandy shores of the Mediterranean or the Persian Gulf to investigate some nefarious jihadist activity. I'm bound for a far more ominous and foreboding place: the Jersey Shore. Just kidding, Jerseyites. Seriously, although I'm based in D.C. these days, I'm a Philly boy through and through. And we Philly guys head "downashore" for our summer vacations. Case closed. No fancy island resorts for us!


Denver, Colorado, is known as the Mile High City. For John McCain and his campaign, they are probably feeling a mile high after learning what transpired in that city Tuesday night. It looks to be a key turning point for the McCain campaign.


If anyone could have written a picture-perfect Cinderella sports story for China, they couldn’t have picked a more appropriate heroine than Zheng Jie.  The 5’4” Chinese tennis player only ranked #133 in the world was playing in the semi-finals in Wimbledon. 


Being a student of American history I had heard of the massacre of the French Huguenot settlers in Florida, but I had not visited the sites where it took place. As I joined the tour at Fort Matanzas (meaning "slaughters" in Spanish), I learned the details of this North American extension of the religious, political, and military struggle that resulted from the Reformation.


The McCain campaign tells The Brody File that even though he won't be able to attend in person, Sen. John McCain will send a taped DVD message to the National Right to Life Convention that starts Thursday in Washington, DC.
