
Brody File producer Robin Mazyck here with a guest blog for the Brody File. I am currently in the Tar Heel State producing a story on their upcoming primary election which will be held on May 6.


Whether in Jerusalem, the U.S. or anywhere in the world, these are trying and perilous times. We see wars, rumors of wars, rising food and oil prices. But in the midst of economic turmoil, the threat of terror and political uncertainty, these are still times of great opportunity for the church.


Thanks to everyone who checked out the blog this weekend …  as promised, here is the Monday edition of the Morning Five:

1. Jeremiah Wright’s Latest


The Syrian government is scoffing at the Bush administration's charge that Israel bombed a nuclear reactor operated by the Syrians and North Korea back in September.  But if a new report from Bloomberg News is true, the Syrians--and North Korea-- may have a whole lot more explaining to do:


Manufacturing-powerhouse China has factories producing just about everything, but workers in southern China were still surprised to learn that they were manufacturing one of China's most unwelcome symbols: pro-Tibet flags.


Jeremiah Wright did Barack Obama no favors. Pastor Wright’s appearance at the National Press Club today started out as a great opportunity to explain the importance of the black Church experience. Instead it turned into a circus atmosphere and ensured that the Wright controversy is not going away and has the potential to single-handily take down Obama’s campaign.


The Brody File heads to Indiana this week. I’m working on an Indiana Primary story and I’ll be in Indianapolis this Tuesday for a Hillary Clinton campaign event. We plan to hit a few Obama events if he is there Wednesday.


Hillary Clinton wants to debate Barack Obama one on one without a moderator. No media questions. If you’re Barack Obama, would you do it? Get my take below but first read more about Clinton’s offer:


While China's relations with certain European countries have recently been a little frosty, but many in the Netherlands are celebrating China's Olympic hostingduties with full spring flowers.  The Keukenhof Garden has put together 24,500 tulips in the shape of a dragon, attracting worldwide attention. 


Master at Arms Second Class Michael Monsoor was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor on March 31, 2008, making him the fourth American hero to earn the nation's highest award for valor in the Global War on Terror. Monsoor's story isn't in the book. That's because it was already at the printers by the time the award was made. But Michael Monsoor's story deserves to be
