
For the next month, we are going to have some GIVE-AWAYS! Do you have questions about the singles life? Relationships? The Bible? Purity? Life issues? Post your questions to the blog and every week for the next four weeks, we’ll draw names and the lucky winner that week will receive either a copy of “Single Servings: 90 Devotions to Feed your Soul,” or “The Perfect Fit: Piecing Together True Love”! But don’t forget to check back and see if you’re the winner! Each Thursday, we’ll post winners and tell you how to claim your prize! 


A group of vaccine experts and pharmaceutical reps are meeting at the World Health Organization -- busy trying to make a decision about what to recommend regarding a swine flu vaccine.  They may recommend a separate swine flu shot or  that it be included among the components in the fall flu vaccine. 


The gay clergy call has come to Washington this week. Hundreds gathered to pressure Congress on gay rights legislation. They are organized, motivated and have the financial resources to boot. The gay rights community has had some very important victories recently (Maine gay marriage law, DC City Council passing same Sex Marriage, etc) and so they believe momentum is clearly on their side.


Harry Knox, the director of the Religion and Faith Program at the Human Rights Campaign and one of the leading gay activists in the country tells The Brody File that pastors who speak out against homosexuality have “nothing to fear” if and when the Hate Crimes Bill is passed into law. He also says that those Christians who are pushing that line of thinking are “bearing false witness”.


Warm up the South Bend, Indiana jail for Alan Keyes. He can’t wait to be arrested.


According to Rachel Ehrenfeld, the answer to that question is a resounding "no." In an important piece for Forbes.com, Ehrenfeld looks at how the Saudis spend their vast oil wealth only on selected causes: with the Palestinians at the top of the list:


Conservatives just might gain a victory against Barack Obama. The President may be popular but his nominee to be the head of the Justice department's Office of Legal Counsel is running into confirmation problems. Her name is Dawn Johnsen and her past comments on abortion are becoming an issue.


Executive producer Robin Mazyck here with a guest blog for The Beltway Buzz.

More than 3,000 people gathered Saturday night for the annual White House Correspondents Dinner held at the Washington Hilton.  The event is jokingly referred to as the “political prom” or “nerd prom,” but it’s definitely the place to be if you want to rub elbows with the Hollywood elite.


The President is getting hammered on the Catholic issue again. It's not Notre Dame this time. Now it has to do with someone he named to his Faith Council.

Harry Knox from the Human Rights Campaign has said some pretty controversial things about the Pope. Now some leading conservative leaders have come together and have sent the following letter to President Obama. It was just released this morning. Read it below:


The White House is starting to feel the heat on Don't Ask Don't Tell.President Obama promised to repeal it but the gay community thinks he's dragging his feet on the issue.They want him to unilaterally ( by Executive Order) put an end or at least delay the firing of certain gay military officers who's cases are pending review. Reporters at starting to ask more and more about it. Robert Gibbs was asked the following questions at the briefing Tuesday:
