
I've written in the past about possible connections between Islamic jihadists and Latin American gangs (see here and here) but was never able to establish a definitive "smoking gun" linking the two factions.


Well, it's the dog days of August, and my Philadelphia Eagles' season opener is still a few weeks off. So I figured I would spice things up a bit. And what better way to do that than with killer robots? Well, that may be an overstatement. But you have to admit, this is pretty cool:


The legendary Vince Lombardi was known to use a clever coaching strategy during practice. He would grab a football, summon his players around him and say, "Gentlemen, this is a football." The point he wanted to drive home, of course, was the importance of football's fundamentals. As Christians, we need to be reminded of the fundamentals of our faith.


Last night I had the strangest dream. It was a bright, sunny day, and I was driving through Utah. Suddenly, a large dinosaur appeared, and proceeded to devour a cow in front of us.

For some reason, I wasn't at all afraid, and was trying to take as many pictures as possible. I was actually surprised to wake up this morning to find out that it wasn't a dream, because of the vivid experience.

Swedish artist Lars Vilks was invited to submit art to an exhibition last month in Tällberg, Sweden. Vilks writes, at one of his off-beat websites, that the theme of the art show was “Dog.”   So, Vilks submitted several drawings of Mohammed as a dog. The art was taken down by exhibit organizers afraid of Muslim violence.

Now comes the hard part for Mike Huckabee. By placing a strong second in Ames, Mike Huckabee is on the cusp of the top tier. One problem: he needs money. Lots of money.  Huckabee is proving that his message is reasonating in Iowa. He's proven that he's a masterful debater. He proven that he can win on a shoestring budget. Now he needs to prove that he can raise money. It won't be easy. He doesn't have Mitt moneybags cash or Rudy's donors. This is a grassroots organization that somehow needs to go to the next level.


Two years ago today, August 15, 2005, CBN News covered the story of the eviction of more than 8,000 Jewish residents from the Gaza Strip. We, along with news organizations from around the globe, broadcast live from Kissufim, one of the main crossings in and out of the Gaza Strip. What we saw resembled a scene out of John Steinback's "The Grapes of Wrath." Cars, pick-up trucks and trailers piled high with belongings formed a long caravan on the hot, dusty road. Many Jews left for the last time the only home they'd ever known.


Back in June, I produced a story for the 700 Club (Watch here) detailing the growth of Al-Qaeda in North Africa's Islamic Maghreb. 

It's an area stretching from Libya to Mauritania where large numbers of veterans of the Iraq jihad are returning home to employ their newfound "skills." 


Since 1991, See You at the Pole™ has grown to God-sized proportions. Within only a couple of years, students were praying in several countries around the world. Now, more than 3 million students from all 50 states participate in SYATP. Students in more than 20 countries take part. In places like Canada, Guam, Korea, Japan, Turkey, and the Ivory Coast, students are responding to God and taking seriously the challenge to pray.


This month, The JESUS Film reaches a milestone with the debut of its 1,000th translation, making it the most-translated film in history.
