
Does anyone still practice the ancient art of sitting ‘round the table and eating dinner together as a family? Well, we do. Some days, most days, it is an act of perseverance on our part. Our part being my husband and me. We are a team and it is us against them with the battle lines clearly drawn...


Just one month ago, China was reveling in its Olympic glory, with Michael Phelps winning his seventh gold medal.  The pet food/toy/cough syrup/(your scandal here) problems of 2007 seemed like a distant memory, as citizens from all over the world came together for a collective kumbaya. Flash forward just one month, and the China coverage isn’t quite as glowing.  Rather than hearing about the impressive achievements of the Paralympic athletes, we’ve been inundated with grav


The Brody File was on the road Tuesday at the Youngstown Ohio airport Tuesday for the McCain/Palin rally. Officials here estimate the crowd at around 8,000 people. I must say it was the biggest crowd I have ever seen for a McCain event by far.


The Brody File is on the road at the Youngstown Ohio airport Tuesday. I’m here for the McCain/Palin rally. I had a chance to catch up with former Senator and now current chairman of John McCain’s Ohio team Mike DeWine. He takes Obama to task on the economy. Watch above.


A 527 group called BornAliveTruth.org started running an abortion ad against Senator Obama today and it features an abortion survivor looking into the camera and making a plea to the Senator. Basically, Gianna Jessen says she was left for dead as an aborted fetus but survived and then questions why Obama was against The Born Alive Infants Protection act in Illinois.


The Brody File has been told that there are plans underway to organize a “Faith Moms” rally for Sarah Palin when she takes on Senator Biden at the October 2nd debate in St. Louis. The McCain camp is not behind it. It’s being organized by a couple of unnamed (for now) Evangelical groups.


With all this negative advertising flying everywhere I think it's pretty clear that John McCain is winning the battle....for now. More importantly though, will he lose the war because of it?


Author Leslie Ludy sounds a clear call to young women to separate themselves from worldly passions, desires, dress, and entertainment, and to live lives of purity before God. Read more...


How will our next president handle U.S.-China relations?  Both Barack Obama and John McCain have published their perspectives for the monthly magazine produced by the American Chamber of Commerce in China.


Hey everybody. The Brody File heads out on the road again Tuesday. I’ll be at the McCain/Palin rally near Youngstown Ohio. I’m working on a Sarah Palin profile piece this week. It will air this Friday on The 700 Club.
