The Brody File has obtained a memo from Fred Thompson’s 1994 Senate campaign that shows concern by an influential political group. This is a public document but has not been reported on by the national media. Let me do the honors.  
Mitt Romney’s victory in the Iowa Straw Poll was not unexpected but let’s break this down a little so you have a real sense of what’s going on here.  
The buzz is spreading over an important op-ed in today’s New York Times entitled A War We Just Might Win by two policy analysts from the left-leaning Brookings Institution. Michael O’Hanlon and Kenneth Pollack, just back from a fact-finding trip to Iraq, write:  

An advisor to the government of Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Mr. Haras Rafiq, has told Scotland Yard that one in 11 British Muslims, or nine percent, “proactively support terrorism.” That’s according the  London Daily Mail.

If accurate, that’s an increase in the number of terror sympathizers who responded to a London Times poll in 2005.


Der Spiegel, a German news magazine in the forefront of the anti-American media in Europe, would seem to have some explaining to do. 


Here's how two Israeli newspapers described the photo op the other day with U.S. President George Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert:

"There could hardly have been more agreement between President George Bush and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert at their White House press conference. They both saw a bright side of the disaster in Gaza. As Olmert put it, 'I'm absolutely determined that there is an opportunity.'" The Jerusalem Post, June 21, 2007


Missionary Heidi Baker has amazing stories about God's miracles, grace and mercy. Here's part three of my interview with her about the importance of knowing God. She says it's not impossible to serve God in amazing ways and it's all fueled by drawing closer to Him.

Related Blogs (first two segments of interview with Heidi Baker) Keeping the Main Thing the 'Main Thing'


One year ago, on August 14, 2006, we set out once again from Jerusalem to the northern border town of Metulla. The drive north to the front lines was part of our continuing coverage of what's become known as the Second Lebanon War.


Eli Lake, a superb reporter for the New York Sun who's been featured on CBN News, says yes: 

 ...intelligence gleaned from last month's British "doctors plot" of car bombers suggests that an al Qaeda cell is on the loose in the American homeland.


I've written in the past about possible connections between Islamic jihadists and Latin American gangs (see here and here) but was never able to establish a definitive "smoking gun" linking the two factions.
