
Iglesia Mexicana intenta tomar un rol importante en las próximas elecciones. Sudan y Sudan del sur al borde de la Guerra, cientos de miles quedan atrapados en medio del fuego, agencias humanitarias Cristianas los mantienen con vida. Nuevos medios, nuevas censuras, vean como los medios en línea violan la libertad de expresión especialmente en la gente de fé.


Steve Saint, son of legendary martyred missionary Nate Saint, has been hospitalized after an accident left him partially paralyzed earlier this month, but it may not be the end of his long career as inventor and missions mobilizer. From his hospital bed, Saint continues to push involvement in the Great Commission.


A recent poll found that half of U.S. citizens believe America will go bankrupt before Washington balances the federal budget. Many people are even asking, "Can America survive?”


The Southern Baptist Convention has elected its first black president. Fred Luter, Jr., is a New Orleans pastor and was the only candidate on the ballot when the convention took its vote this afternoon.


The recent attacks are just the latest against Christians by Boko Haram. The group is fighting to impose the radical Islamic law known as Sharia throughout Nigeria... a country which was once a majority Christian nation.


More than 98 people died in religious violence in Nigeria's Kaduna state. it started when suicide bombers targeted three churches during Sunday services, killing at least 21 people. The radical Islamist group, Boko Haram took credit.


On this week's Christian World News: Ongoing assault against Nigeria's Christians, an update on paralyzed missionary Steve Saint, Southern Baptists make a historical election, and more.


Gordon Robertson teaches us how God built the Church on his believers and is preparing the Temple for the return of Jesus Christ on this edition of This Week at CBN.


Gordon Robertson teaches the fundamentals of what it means to be "born again."


Is it mandatory to be a member of a church? What is the best way to forgive even when someone doesn't want forgiveness?
