
Omar is a young boy taken off the streets and given a home at an Orphan’s Promise center in Senegal. Now, instead of begging for food and money, he has a future.


A Vietnam veteran suffered the pain of a nation that rejected his patriotism thrusting him into a life of alcohol and despair, but Mike Wheatley finally filled the void in his life with God's amazing love.


Watch the 700 Club Canada for July 17, 2012.


Watch the July 17 edition of the CBN News Channel's Morning News with Efrem Graham and Charlene Israel. Arizona Gaining Upper Hand in Battle for Unborn, FBI Launches Probe after Needles Found Airline Food, and more.


The Brody File’s Jennifer Wishon “Jenny in the B-Block” reports on the power of the Hispanic vote, on the Brody File July 13 show.


On Monday's CBN Newswatch: Lawmakers in Arizona fight to protect life, a holy site at the center of an Israeli-Palestinian fight, missionaries preaching the gospel to the poor in Brazil, and more.


Gordon Robertson shares about CBN International's latest efforts in Niger, Africa. A new television station is up and running with broadcasts of the French 700 Club and Superbook.


Christian TV now airs for the first time in Niger, Africa. Three hours of God's truths in their native language - thanks to you!


Is it wrong for a Christian who needs to talk to someone, to see a non-Christian therapist? I have been battling an eating disorder for years, pray does not seem to work. What can I do? What can we do to assure admission into heaven?


As seen on "The 700 Club" for July 16, top headlines from CBN News: Arizona Gaining Upper Hand in Battle for Unborn, Boston Church Prays for Pastor Kidnapped in Egypt, and more.
