
Nearly everyone is thinking about cancer, thanks to the Ken Burns' film on PBS, "Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies." But it hides the good news that astonishing progress has been made in diagnosis and treatment.


National Geographic's latest cover story has ?generated lots of attention because it sneers at those close-minded Americans - mostly conservatives, of course - who do not accept scientific facts.


Oil prices have started falling again. U.S. oil hit the $43 a barrel range, the lowest in six years.


The reality of mobile lifestyles have increased demands on mobile computers and all eyes are now on the upcoming release of the iWatch.


Many Americans live in fear of an audit by the Internal Revenue Service, even though they've done everything right. Tax expert Dan Pilla offers proven strategies for your tax returns so you don't have to live in fear.


Conservatives often grouse that Republicans head for the tall grass when the Left starts firing the muskets. So it is rare and heroic that we have a governor in America ?who refuses to wilt under pressure.


After 15 years the NASDAQ stock index is back above 5,000. It's the first time since the tech bubble burst in March of 2000.


The idea that the rich aren't paying any taxes is based on misinformation fed to voters. They have been told over and over that the wealthiest among us are paying very little income tax compared to the rest of us.


Arguably the most unconscionable policy choice in President Obama's $4 trillion budget is his lack of funding for school vouchers, which has benefitted nearly 6,000 kids from lower-income families.


Believers know they should help the poor, but often feel challenged about how to do that. CBN News talked with one group that isn't rescuing the needy, but helping them become rescuers themselves.
