
Brody File producer Robin Mazyck here with this guest blog.


Earlier today The 700 Club aired my story on Barack Obama's outreach efforts to court evangelicals. He's making some strides, but there could be pitfalls too.


Incredibly, Abu Qatada is a free man. From  BBC:


The news of the Egyptian brokered cease fire between Hamas and Israel has been met here in Israel with a great deal of skepticism. The Sderot Media Center noted that a "formal cease fire existed between Nov. 21st, 2006 and May 15th, 2007, during which time our news agency covered 315 missile attacks from Gaza which were fired at Sderot and the Western Negev." Vice Premier Haim Ramon called it a "victory for radical Islam."


Cheff Krieger offers a delicious alternative to bland broccoli. See below.


Here's another tasty recipe from Chef Krieger. See below.


A great way to include cruciferous vegetables is to incorporate them as this recipe does with a half a head of cabbage. I called it Cruciferous Chops, but Chef Krieger's title is much better!  See below.


Jiang Xiaojuan was one of thousands of police-officers attending to earthquake relief in China's Sichuan Province.  But Jiang's unique contribution to the relief effort set her apart from the rest her peers- she breastfed nine babies newly orphaned by the earthquake.


Dear Dr. David,


Barack Obama dusted off a Ronald Reagan line from the past at his recent meeting with religious leaders in Chicago. In a 1980 convention of Evangelical Ministers Reagan once famously said, "I know you can't endorse me, but I endorse you."
