
The Brody File has been told that there are plans underway to organize a “Faith Moms” rally for Sarah Palin when she takes on Senator Biden at the October 2nd debate in St. Louis. The McCain camp is not behind it. It’s being organized by a couple of unnamed (for now) Evangelical groups.


With all this negative advertising flying everywhere I think it's pretty clear that John McCain is winning the battle....for now. More importantly though, will he lose the war because of it?


Author Leslie Ludy sounds a clear call to young women to separate themselves from worldly passions, desires, dress, and entertainment, and to live lives of purity before God. Read more...


How will our next president handle U.S.-China relations?  Both Barack Obama and John McCain have published their perspectives for the monthly magazine produced by the American Chamber of Commerce in China.


Hey everybody. The Brody File heads out on the road again Tuesday. I’ll be at the McCain/Palin rally near Youngstown Ohio. I’m working on a Sarah Palin profile piece this week. It will air this Friday on The 700 Club.


Yes. I am still alive! I apologize for not being able to post sooner. A recent trip to Ethiopia left me extremely sick. This is the first time I am feeling up to getting back to blogging...and boy do I have some great articles in store!


Watch my video blog on something you don't see very often in the NFL or in any sports these days. Or, you can read it below.


When you're Sarah Palin and you know everybody is waiting for "The Big Gaffe" the key to any interview she gives from now until November 4th is to not make the big mistake. With Charlie Gibson, she survived because there wasn't a glaring mistake. Let's face it, if she gives ho-hum interviews without any serious problems then that's a win for the McCain campaign. The biggest fear for Palin and the McCain campaign is for a major interview flub to end up as the top headline on Drudge. If


The Brody File has learned that the offer of a short video from vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin to folks at this weekend’s Value Voters Summit has been turned down by its president, Tony Perkins.


Last year it caused the untimely deaths of several dogs and cats in the U.S., and this year it's already killed at least one Chinese infant. 
