
If John McCain picks Mitt Romney as his VP would that satisfy the majority of social conservatives? My analysis below but first read from Reuters:


Tony Perkins, President of the pro-family conservative Family Research Council has some straight talk for the McCain campaign when it comes to the growing controversy over his position on gay adoption. McCain said in an interview he’s against gay adoption but his campaign muddied the waters afterwards when they tried to clarify and soften his position. To get up to speed on the story click here.


Denise's Journey...Vice Busting was her approach; I am so proud of her! She sent me this email today and I had to share it with you!  


"What should I wear?"  or "what should I bring" are two common questions I ask myself before taking trips, and I definitely want to be prepared for anything at the Olympics next month.   Perhaps sensing that this could be a common dilemma, the Olympic organizers, who have prepared for just about everything, have published an extremely comprehensive guide to help me make my selections.


Leave it to The New York Times to ask John McCain point blank about his Christian faith. Read below from his interview this past week:


I’m confused. John McCain gave an interview to The New York Times this week saying he was against gay adoption but then his Communications Director sought to clarify those comments afterwards by saying it was a ‘state issue” and that “caring parental figures are better for the child than the alternative” of abandoned children.


Eagle Mountain International Church/Kenneth Copeland Ministries (the "Church") has reviewed Senator Grassley's July 7, 2008, "Memorandum to Reporters and Editors..." The Church's position continues to be that it has responded to the request of Senator Grassley in good faith and to the greatest extent possible without compromising the privacy, confidentiality, and freedom of association rights and protections afforded to the Church by the United States Constitution and the Internal Revenue Code..


China's horticultural Olympic preparations haven't received the same levels of publicity as the security measures or even manners campaigns, but countries worldwide have sent some floral gifts to China.


“Maria Hernandez Perez was No. 93. She was almost 2. She had thick brown hair and eyes the color of chocolate. “Kelia Velazquez-Gonzales, 16, carried a Bible in her backpack. She was No. 109 “John Doe, No. 143, died with a rosary encircling his neck. His eyes were wide open.” We can’t let immigrants break our laws with impunity. We can’t leave our borders undefended. But these people are God’s children, who wanted simply to be Americans, and we cannot


I assume you’ve seen the cover of this week’s New Yorker magazine? It features Michelle and Barack Obama and the picture is NOT flattering. See it here.
