
South Carolina's governor is warning residents more flooding and evacuations are likely. At least a dozen have died during this week's historic rainstorm in the Carolinas.


South Carolina's governor is warning residents more flooding and evacuations are likely. At least a dozen have died during this week's historic rainstorm in the Carolinas.


October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and pro-life group Live Action is taking to social media to debunk the myth that Planned Parenthood provides mammograms.


Pastor Randy Scroggins is talking about his daughter's survival and the man who saved her life during the mass shooting in Oregon in which nine were shot dead after being asked about their faith.


California will become the fifth state in the nation to allow terminally ill patients to legally end their lives using doctor-prescribed drugs.


"Woodlawn" is a new film that relives the story of a spiritual awakening that captured the heart of the Woodlawn High School football team in the 1970s.



This week the Supreme Court begins a new session. The big question --  will this term mean a win or loss for groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor that oppose the government's health care contraceptive mandate?


The Coast Guard says a U.S. cargo ship carrying 33 people that has been missing since it encountered high winds and heavy seas from Hurricane Joaquin sank and one body was found. The search for the missing crew continues.


Lake County, California, is known for its rolling hills and sprawling landscape, but most of it has been destroyed in the state's third worst fire in history.


Thousands of New Yorker's lined the street for Chick-fil-A's fried chicken sandwiches and waffles fries this weekend.
