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Jeb Bush Unveils New Tax-Overhaul Plan


Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush is laying out his plan to get the economy growing and to reform the tax code.

The 80,000-page plan outlines how the U.S. economy can grow by 4 percent.

Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Bush says he wants to accomplish three major goals.

First, he wants to lower taxes and make the tax code simple, fair, and clear.  Bush plans to achieve this by cutting tax rates to three brackets: 28, 25, and 10 percent.

Second, Bush wants to get rid of loopholes created by lobbyists.

Third, he wants to make sure the tax code doesn't hurt U.S competitiveness with China, Europe and the rest of the world.

Bush also says he wants to reduce the regulations that are choking much of the economy.

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