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Film Review: Avoid 'Pompeii,' Wait for 'Son of God'


There's not a lot new in theaters this weekend, but one movie has people talking a little more than others - "Pompeii."

Set in 79 AD, "Pompeii" earned 2.5 out of 5 for it's rendition of the mysterious city of the Roman Empire frozen in time after a volcano eruption.

"There's no mystery or quiet contemplation here...This is more of a Poseidon Adventure/Towering Inferno kind of actioner. Only pumped up with a shocking jolt of next-gen CGI steroids,"Plugged In Online movie reviewer Bob Hoose said.

Movie reviewer Bob Waliszewski recommended saving that trip to the theater for next weekend when"Son of God" opens. The film is produced by Mark Burnett and Roma Downey of History Channel's "The Bible" miniseries.

Churches and religious groups have already purchased almost 500,000 tickets to "Son of God."

The Hollywood Reporter reported that some groups have already rented theaters and even entire multiplexes. Liberty University bought out a multiplex where the movie will be showing on all 14 screens on opening day, Feb. 28.

Compassion International bought 225,000 tickets in 40 cities.

Bob Waliszewski, director of Focus on the Family's entertainment review department "Plugged In Online," talked more about "Son of God" and "Pompei" on CBN News Today, Feb. 21.

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