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St. Louis Cop Kills Black Teen, Sparking Protests


More unrest in Missouri followed after another deadly shooting involving a police officer and a black 18-year-old.

The shooting happened in south Saint Louis Wednesday and sparked angry protests similar to those that began in Ferguson, Missouri, after the death of an unarmed teen a few months ago.

In this latest case, police say an off-duty officer was patrolling the Shaw neighborhood for a private security company when he began to chase three young men. That officer then got into a physical altercation with one of them and they exchanged gunfire.

"I know emotions are high and I know tensions are high, but the reality is what the evidence tells me right now is that individual pointed a gun at the police officer, fired at least three rounds and continued to pull the trigger," St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson told reporters.

The St. Louis teen died but police say he had fired several shots at the officer.

"There was some loud marches, loud protests, some obscenities yelled at police officers. I think the department showed a tremendous amount of restraint," Dotson said, reacting to the protests. "The officers on the scene, in the face of severe criticism, did an excellent job."

Several protesters vandalized police cars. The vandalism included a broken tail light and a windshield wiper of a police SUV.

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