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Pastor's Tax Advice: Beware of Fake IRS Agents


A North Carolina pastor is speaking out about a tax scam that cost him more than $16,000 in hopes that it won't happen to other church leaders.
Rev. Al Cadenhead says he received a call last October from a person he thought was an IRS official.

He says the scammer accused him of tax fraud, threatening to freeze his bank accounts and call the media.
As part of the scam, Cadenhead was told to purchase pre-paid visa cards and transfer $16,500 on the phone.

Cadenead says he's speaking out about the incident so other church leaders don't fall victim to scammers.

"I get no pleasure out of sharing such an embarrassing experience," The News Tribune quoted Cadenead.

"My only reward for being public with my shame is to communicate to as many people as possible that the IRS does not do business over the phone; and, that when calls are received, hang up," he said.


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