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Legos & Lemonade: 9 Yr Old Thrives at Farmers Market


A 9-year-old Colorado boy has gone big-time with a lemonade stand business. He's opened a chain and is recruiting other young entrepreneurs.
Jack Bonneau began the business last summer as an 8-year-old. 

It started with a dream--he wanted a Lego Star Wars set.

"I wanted the Lego Death Star for $400.  I asked my dad if I could get it.  He said I could but I'd have to pay for it," he said.
Jack accepte the challenge and decided to sell lemonade--but with a twist. 

He realized that operating in a farmers market could be more lucrative than selling in a neighborhood.

"I was at the Orchard's Farmers Market for about 12 weeks selling lemonade, learning about entrepreneurship, financial literacy, helping a few charities and making some money," Jack said.
Jack earned his Death Star and an extra $500 profit. He also caught a vision for helping other kids learn how to run a business. 

This summer he began jacksstands.com and branched out, opening stands at farmers markets across the state.
Young Jack plans to expand to 12 farmers market stands next summer and he's already got a waiting list.

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