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In the Heartland, Concerned Prayers for America


MCPHERSON, Kansas -- Residents of this town of more than 13,000 people on the central Kansas plains have plenty to think about this week, as tornado warnings blared and farmers monitor their rain gauges in hopes of getting needed moisture for the wheat crop.

But for the people gathered Thursday for the National Day of Prayer at McPherson's First Christian Church, concern for America's future and a plea for the Lord's forgiveness were high on the agenda.

"The main concerns that I see, other than the rampant immorality, (are) the conflicts that we have with the Middle East," Ronn Peters, one of the McPherson organizers, told CBN News.

Asked about the growing divide between the United States and Israel, Peters weighed his words carefully.

"I am concerned that our president either doesn't understand Israel or understands absolutely, and is intentionally trying to create a split," he said.

After the Elyria Christian School band played the Star Spangled Banner, prayer leaders asked God to intervene on behalf of their community, the state of Kansas, and the nation.

At the community level, Andy Courier, with First Baptist Church, asked for an end to strife within the faith communities, and for the churches, "that they will thrive as they do Your will."

He also prayed that the students of McPherson would receive "a hunger for learning" and a desire for the Lord.

Hubie Shorb, who heads the L'Chaim B'Yeshua Messianic Jewish congregation in Wichita, lifted up Gov. Sam Brownback, members of the legislature, and other state leaders, that they be "filled with wisdom and a sense of responsibility."

He also prayed for a "special measure of shalom" to those in Kansas who feel disenfranchised. He asked for help to "proclaim the gospel of Messiah."

When the microphone was opened for those who attended, McPherson resident Joan Fortner prayed for "an awakening to God" in America.

"We need it," she said. She also prayed for President Barack Obama, that the Lord would "speak to him in the night hours while he is alone."

"I pray that as a nation, we would always stand with Israel," she added, according to the promise in Genesis 12, that the Lord would "bless those that bless thee and curse those that curse thee."

She asked that God would forgive America's national sin.

"Forgive us, and turn our nation around," she prayed.

Others asked for God's protection from terrorist attack, as well as protection for U.S. men and women in uniform, police and firefighters, and EMTs.

Pastor Chuck Baker, with McPherson's New Life congregation, prayed for revival to break out in the city.

"If You are so willing, to raise this great nation again to the light of righteousness," he asked the Lord.

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