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Dean Jones, Boyish Disney Star, Dies at 84


Actor Dean Jones has died at age 84 of complications from Parkinson's disease.

Jones was well known for his roles in Disney films like "The Love Bug" and "That Darn Cat."

He had a successful stage and film career and said he had more wealth and possession than he could imagine, but he felt empty and unfulfilled until he gave his life to Christ in the early '70s.

He used his fame to help save Christian and Jewish victims of persecution, founding the Christian Rescue Committee in 1998. The group later became part of the Jubilee Campaign.

*CBN News Chief International Correspondent Gary Lane worked with Dean Jones to help persecuted Christians. Read about it at his blog, The Global Lane.

Jones is survived by his wife, eight grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.

His family is asking people send donations to the ministry in lieu of flowers.

In a 1982 appearance on The 700 Club, Dean Jones talks about his career and his journey to faith in Christ. Watch below:


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