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Kate Steinle's Family to Sue Gov't. Over Her Death


The family of Kate Steinle, the 32-year-old woman shot and killed by an illegal immigrant in early July, plans to file a lawsuit against government agencies over her death.

The family says the system failed her and that nobody has taken responsibility.

Kate's brother Brad Steinle said they've exhausted all other avenues up to this point.

The illegal immigrant who shot her has said it was an accident.

Meanwhile, Steinle's death has had a political impact. Congress is considering a measure called "Kate's law" that would limit federal funding for so-called "sanctuary cities," and raise the penalties for people who come back into the U.S. after they've been deported.

Francisco Sanchez was charged in Steinle's death. She was shot and killed in July while she and her father were walking on Pier 14. Sanchez had a long criminal record and had been deported five times.

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