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Muslim Billboards Seek to 'Reclaim' Islam's Message


Dozens of billboards with Muslim themes are popping up across the country.

The Islamic Circle of North America said they're proclaiming what they say is the true message of Islam and its prophet, Muhammad: peace and justice, not extremism and violent jihad.

The group put up 100 new billboards over the summer in Boston, New York, Phoenix, San Diego, Cleveland, Las Vegas, and others.

The billboards feature phrases like "Muhammad believed in peace, social justice, women's rights" and "Muhammad always taught love, not hate; peace, not violence."

Naeem Baig, ICNA's president, said the idea for the campaign came after Islamist militants attacked the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo and a kosher grocery store earlier this year in Paris, killing 17 people.

Baig said the killers wrongfully understood the teachings of Muhammad, and the American Muslim community wanted to reclaim the message.

"As a Muslims, it hurts me when I see someone abusing my faith, abusing the teachings of the prophet," Baig said.

The billboards include a website and a phone number people can call for more information on Islam.

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