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New GOP Plan May Drop P. Parenthood from the Mix


Senate Democrats have filibustered a bill that would have stripped Planned Parenthood of taxpayer funding.
The move to defund the abortion giant has gained strength after undercover videos showed Planned Parenthood executives haggling over aborted baby organs.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. and House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, are trying to avoid a government shutdown next week over the issue.

The Hill reports House Republicans have a plan to fund the government temporarily.
In an interview with CNN Thursday, Republican House Ways and Means Committe Chairman Paul Ryan argued that fighting Planned Parenthood through budget reconciliation was the wiser strategy.
"We intend to put on the president's desk, I believe, legislation," the Wisconsin congressman said. "And we can do that through our budget process. So I think there are better ways in getting at this issue, defunding this barbaric process and this group that does this, then involving the shutdown issue."

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