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P. Parenthood Awarded $1M in Obamacare Grants


The Obama administration is giving Planned Parenthood $1 million in grants through Obamacare to help promote the law to its patients.

Republicans blasted the move, which comes even as Congress prepares to investigate the growing scandal of harvesting and selling baby body parts at Planned Parenthood clinics.

Rep. Diane Black, R-Tenn., a nurse for more than 40 years and member of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus, said the new funding is shocking in light of the scandal.

"This is unconscionable. A growing body of evidence suggests that Planned Parenthood broke federal law and now the Obama administration is thumbing its nose at Congress and taxpayers by using this backdoor maneuver to boost funding for the scandal-ridden abortion giant," she said.

Next week, the House Judiciary Committee begins hearings surrounding the evidence presented by a series of undercover videos.

They show Planned Parenthood executives discussing prices and methods for obtaining baby body parts.

Two other committees will also hold hearings this month.

Meanwhile, a new study by the Media Research Center shows the network news cares more about panda babies than human babies.

In a three-week period in August, ABC News, NBC News, and CBS News spent 29 minutes talking about the pandas born at the National Zoo that month.

They spent only 24 minutes on the Planned Parenthood scandal in the seven weeks after the story broke.

Anchors even called pre-born pandas "babies," while referring to pre-born humans as "fetal tissue."

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