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Congress Commits to Fighting Religious Persecution


Congress has passed a bill that will protect religious freedom around the world. 

The Frank R. Wolf International Freedom Act is a bipartisan bill that will give the government ground breaking new tools, resources, and training to help fight terrorism and protect those persecuted for their faith. 

"The freedom to practice a religion without persecution is a precious right for everyone, of whatever race, sex, or location on earth," said Rept. Chris Smith (R-NJ), Chair of the Global Human Rights Subcommittee and author the bill. 

"From China and Vietnam to Syria and Nigeria, we are witnessing a tragic, global crisis in religious persecution, violence and terrorism, with dire consequences for religious believers and for U.S. national security," Smith said. 

"Ancient Christian communities in Iraq and Syria are on the verge of extinction and other religious minorities in the Middle East face a constant assault from the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria," he said.

Essentially, the bill will makes international religious freedom a top priority for the President, Congress, and all Foreign Service Officers. 

Among the many changes, the bill requires more frequent presidential actions to counter terrorism and religious persecution, integrates religious freedom into every aspect of foreign policy, and creates a master list of people who have been imprisoned for their faith.

Religious leaders, human rights advocates, and organizations of varying political and religious view rallied behind the bill.

"While there is very little we agree on theologically, or politically, we all agree on the importance of religious freedom," one letter to congress said. "The United States will send an clear and urgent message regarding the inherent dignity of every human being."

The bill is named after former Congressman Frank Wolf, a man who worked on the front lines to champion human rights around the world. 

"It is largely because of his efforts that religious freedom is taken seriously as a foreign policy issue," Smith said. 

Now that the bill is passed, Congress is waiting on the president to approve it. 

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