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Is Porn America's Next Biggest Public Health Crisis?


Utah, South Dakota, and Arkansas have officially declared pornography a public health crisis, but they aren't the only ones who think so. More states are on their way to making the same declaration. 

These resolutions name pornography, specifically online porn, as responsible for a number of problems relating to sexual violence in their states. 

Millions of people regularly visit porn sits every day and over a third of all internet downloads are related to pornography. 

Porn Is the New Drug

Porn has become so rampant in the United States, some even call it the new drug. 

Researchers from Cambridge University have found evidence for that claim after finding that porn addiction resembles drug addiction.

"The patients in our trial were all people who had substantial difficulties controlling their sexual behavior and this was having significant consequences for them, affecting their lives and relationships," explains Dr Valerie Voon from Cambridge University. 

"In many ways, they show similarities in their behavior to patients with drug addictions," she says.

The researchers also found that excessive use of pornography is one of the main features identified in many people with compulsive sexual behavior. Users also deal with feelings of shame and loss of control. 

What the Church Is Doing to Fight Porn Addiction

While only 7 percent of pastors say they actually have a program dedicated to helping fight porn addiction, many are still trying to fight it. 

One of those people is Jeremy Wiles who directed the "Conquer Series," a film series aimed at helping men break free of porn addiction. 

Dr. Ted Roberts, who hosts the series has helped thousands of men recover from porn addiction. He says pastors need to stop treating it as simply a moral issue but also a potential medical issue too. 

"We tell men to 'try harder, pray harder, love Jesus more,'" Dr. Roberts says. "But, what starts off as a moral problem, quickly becomes a brain problem. Telling a man to try harder is only tightening the 'noose' of bondage." 

So far over 350,000 men have seen the Conquer Series and have taken active steps to kicking porn out of their lives for good. 

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