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CBN News Apology on Recent Abortion Story


To all the readers, users and partners who come to CBN News,
First, we want to apologize for posting a recent story without proper context. It featured Dr. Willie Parker, an abortion doctor, who told the New York Times he had converted from a Christian who was opposed to abortion to one who has maintained his faith but now holds the opposite view about abortion.

Our intent was not to only publish his story but to counter his view with Bible scriptures and other pro-life views. Unfortunately, as you can see here from the story below, we put those verses in a totally separate post.

A Fetus Isn't a Person? 5 Bible Verses that Challenge Abortion

By not including these verses and our shared belief that abortion is wrong, we put out an unchallenged story that could be misconstrued as supporting the view of Dr. Willie Parker. That could not be further from the truth.

Hopefully, our body of work on this issue speaks to our belief and mission to protect all of God's children.

Again, we apologize and ask your forgiveness.
Rob Allman
CBN News Director


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