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Dow 26,000 and Apple's $350B Pledge Just Latest Examples of Trump Boom


Stocks have had a huge move upward since Donald Trump's election, closing above 26,000 for the first time Wednesday.

President Trump's number one choice Wednesday night for his fake news awards was a New York Times column by economist Paul Krugman who claimed the stock market would never recover if Trump was elected.

Instead, stocks have boomed.

Many analysts say one reason stocks have gone up so far is because of Trump's moves to cut excessive government regulations, and his tax cuts for businesses and individuals.   

In the latest example of how Trump's tax cuts are boosting the economy, Apple just announced it plans to build a second campus and hire 20,000 employees. 

Apple intends to roll out the plan over the next five years in a $350 billion commitment to the U.S. economy.

That pledge by Apple is only the latest major economic investment by a U.S. company since President Trump and the Republican-led Congress made a sweeping overhaul of the U.S. tax code last month.

The move dramatically lowered the standard corporate tax rate, and offered a one-time break on cash being held overseas.

That's the part that caught Apple's attention since it had stored $250 billion in cash overseas. Now it plans to take advantage of that provision to bring back that cash to invest in the U.S.

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