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Under Caesar's Sword: How Have Christians Responded to Persecution?


The world's first global research and investigation into the Christian response to persecution shows that circumstances and situations surrounding the attack determines the victims' response.

Family Research Council's Travis Weber attended the "Under Caesar's Sword" conference in Rome to learn more about the extensive research conducted over three years and cost more than $1 million.

Weber spoke with CBN News' Lorie Johnson about the findings of the research. Click play to watch.

Scholars from Notre Dame's Center for Civil and Human Rights and the Religious Freedom Project at Georgetown University's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs gathered in Rome to present their findings. The research confirms yet again that Christian persecution is on the rise.

Their report includes information such as which 102 countries saw Christians harassed for their faith in 2013, how an average of 10 people are killed daily by the Islamic extremist group Boko Haran in Nigeria; and how the number of Christians in Iraq has shrunk from 1.2 milllion in 2003 to around 500,000 today.

Learn more details about Christian persecution here.

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