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Hungary Suspends Rail Traffic to Stem Migrant Flow


Authorities in Hungary suspended all rail traffic Tuesday to prevent migrants from boarding trains to Austria and Germany.

Hundreds of migrants stood outside the Budapest train station after being pushed out of the building by police.

Hungary has become a transit zone for migrants fleeing war and political crisis in the Middle East and Asia. Most of them are making their way through Serbia and Hungary, hoping to seek refuge in wealthier European nations.

"I don't like Hungary because there are no jobs here. I like Germany. I want to go to Germany, yes," said Shabir, from Afghanistan.

Shahram Akbari, another Afghanistan migrant, said, "You know how Afghanistan is. It is just war, war and war. It [isn't] going to be better anymore."

Around 140,000 migrants have crossed into Hungary this year – over three times as many as in 2014.

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