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Migrant Crisis Raising Tensions in Hungary, EU


The migrant crisis in Europe has intensified as hundreds of migrants refuse to register as refugees in Hungary.

Hungarian authorities allowed them to board a train from Budapest to one of the country's camps for asylum seekers, but the migrants apparently weren't aware of their destination.

Once they arrived at a station near the camp, they started protesting. Now hundreds are refusing to leave the train because they don't want to be stuck in economically depressed Hungary.

The migrants fear registering in Hungary will lessen the possibility they will be able to seek asylum in Germany and other countries.

"The problem is not European, it's German. Nobody would like to stay in Hungary, neither Slovakia, Poland, or Estonia," Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said.

How does Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s strong position against open borders play in Hungary - what do most Hungarians feel about this crisis? Tibor Korvin, a news correspondent with Hungarian TV channel, ATV answered this question and more.

He blamed Europe's migration crisis on Berlin.

"All of them would like to go to Germany," he said after talks with European Parliament President Martin Schulz.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel disagreed with the criticism. Merkel said her country is doing what all European Union member states should be doing by taking in refugees in need of protection.

Merkel agreed with French President Francois Hollande that the EU needs quotas to distribute refugees fairly among the EU member states.

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