blogsstakelbeckonterror David Cameron's Tough Line Against the Muslim Brotherhood 12-18-2015 Erick Stakelbeck 4667611698001 Download HD - MP4 SD - MP4 British Prime Minister David Cameron is taking a tough line against the Muslim Brotherhood--but the Obama administration is unlikely to follow. Erick Stakelbeck takes a closer look at how the Brotherhood's ideology inspires terrorism. More from 01-20-2016 The Watchman: Pastor Saeed's Release and Iran's Double Game 01-05-2016 The Watchman Show: What to Watch for in 2016 12-18-2015 David Cameron's Tough Line Against the Muslim Brotherhood 12-09-2015 The Watchman Show: Terror in San Bernardino 11-25-2015 The Watchman Show: After Paris, What's Next for ISIS? 11-15-2015 Paris Terror: Can It Happen Here? 11-10-2015 The Watchman Show: Tracking the Global Jihad 10-27-2015 The Watchman Show: Terror Wave Against Israel 10-07-2015 The Watchman Show: Memo to Iran: Israel Wins 09-23-2015 The Watchman Show: Pastor Hagee on Blood Moons and The Three Heavens 09-15-2015 The Watchman Show: Is ISIS Winning Against the West? 09-01-2015 The Watchman Show: ISIS in Your Backyard