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FBI Agent Peter Strzok Subpoenaed to Appear Before Congress Over Anti-Trump Texts


WASHINGTON – FBI agent Peter Strzok has been subpoenaed to testify before the House Judiciary and House Oversight and Government Reform committees this week.

Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), the House Judiciary Committee chairman, issued the subpoena on Friday.

In an emailed statement to CBN News, Goodlatte said that the committees have "repeatedly" asked to interview Mr. Strzok, but he has yet to appear.

Strzok's testimony is scheduled to take place on Wednesday at 10:00 am, according to a press release from the Judiciary Committee.

Strzok was a leading official in the FBI's investigation on Hillary Clinton's private email server.

The appearance before the House panels is part of the committees' investigation into the Justice Department's actions in 2016.

Strzok was one of two FBI officials removed from special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russia after it was revealed that he and his colleague, Lisa Page, had sent text messages that were highly critical of then-candidate Trump.

In a statement to CBN News, Strzok's lawyer, Aitan Goelman, wrote the committee's decision to subpoena Strzok is regrettable.

"We regret that the committee felt it necessary to issue a subpoena when we repeatedly informed them that Pete was willing to testify voluntarily," he wrote.

"While you are, of course, free to continue pursuing this process, it is wholly unnecessary," Goelman wrote in the letter.

"Special Agent Strzok, who has been fully cooperative with the Justice Department Office of Inspector General, intends to voluntarily appear and testify before your committee and any other congressional committee that invites him," he added.

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