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'There's a Fire!': Hero Notices Flames Blazing Under Tractor-Trailer, Takes Quick-Thinking Steps to Save Driver's Life

Akeem Dixon
Photo: WVEC-TV/YouTube

A Virginia man is being hailed a hero after he saw a fire blazing under a tractor-trailer — and immediately took action.

Akeem Dixon was on his way to a job interview this week in Norfolk, Virginia, when he noticed the blaze. Recognizing the need to move quickly, he started honking to get the driver’s attention, but to no avail.

That’s when Dixon decided to pull his car in front of the tractor-trailer.

“[As] soon as we get inside the tunnel, I just drive right in front of him, put my forward flashers on, and I slowed right down to a complete stop,” he told WVEC-TV. “Then he stopped behind me and was like, ‘There’s a fire underneath your truck, there’s a fire, there’s a fire!”

The driver got out of the truck and Dixon told him to get a fire extinguisher. But it quickly became evident time was running out.

Due to the flames, the engine was going to explode at any moment.

“I tell him to leave the truck, because it’s going to blow any minute,” Dixon said. “Just leave it and come to my car. Let’s move to my car, far away from the truck. As soon as we move from the truck and close to my car, we hear a boom.”

Listen to them on the latest episode of “Quick Start”

Thankfully, Dixon and the driver remained safe — all thanks to his heroic actions.

Dixon, though, doesn’t see himself as a hero; he said he simply did the right thing.

“Do good, and good will always be with you,” Dixon told WVEC-TV.

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